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Lesson 70 When were they there? 他们是什么时候在那里的?

Lesson 70 When were they there? 他们是什么时候在那里的?

时间:2015-01-20 12:14点击:

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.


New words and expressions生词和短语

stationer /'steiʃənə/ n. 文具商

Denmark /'denmɑ:k/ n. 丹麦

Written exercises书面练习

A Complete these sentences using at, on or in.


1 We were ______ the stationer's ______ Monday.

2 We were there ______ four o'clock.

3 They were ______ Australia ______ September.

4 They were there ______ spring.

5 ______ November 25th, they were ______ Canada.

6 They were there______ 1990.

B Write questions and answers using we/they and at/in/on.



Sam and Penny/the stationer's/Monday

Where were Sam and Penny on Monday?

They were at the stationer's on Monday.

you and Penny/Australia/July

Where were you and Penny in July?

We were in Australia in July.

1 you and Susan/the office/March 23rd

2 Sam and Penny/India/1986

3 you and Penny/the baker's/Saturday

4 Sam and Penny/Canada/1993

5 you and Penny/Austria/August

6 Sam and Penny/home/May25th

7 you and Penny/Finland/December

8 you and Sam/school/February 22nd