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Lesson 126 Have to and do not need to 不得不和不必要

Lesson 126 Have to and do not need to 不得不和不必要

时间:2015-01-20 18:37点击:

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

New words and expressions 生词和短语

immediately /i'mi:diətli/ adv.立即地

Written exercises 书面练习 

A Write questions and answers.


You have to leave early.
Do you have to leave early?
You don't have to leave early.
She must leave early.
Must she leave early?
She needn't leave early.

1 She has to decide immediately.
2 She must decide immediately.
3 We have to take a taxi.
4 We must take a taxi.

B Answer these questions.
用have to或has to回答问题。


I must go now. What about you?
I have to go, too.

1 I must telephone him. What about you?
2 I must wait for him. What about Mary?
3 I must meet her. What about Jim?
4 I must travel by ship. What about Tom and Mary?

C Write questions.


I must go now.
Do you really have to go now?

1 I must telephone him.
2 Mary must wait for him.
3 Jim must meet her.
4 Tom and Mary must travel by ship.