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Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer. xiao84.com

1  Which of the two is it easier to estimate in terms of money: the value of material goods or the value of services?

2  How do beggars arouse the pity of passers-by?

3  How do tramps differ from beggars?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: value (1. 4); estimate (1. 5); perform (1. 6); possess (1. 7); grudge (1. 8); precisely (1. 8); skills (1. 9).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words give an account of a tramp's way of life. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write an answer to the above passage criticizing a tramp's way of life. Expand the ideas given below into a plan and provide a suitable title. Your Composition should be in four paragraphs.

Ideas: Tramps ---- free, but freedom paid for by others ---- selfish way of life ---- unwillingness to assume responsibility for others (home, children, work, etc. ) ---- lazy parasites on society ---- if we all had the mentality of tramps, society would not exist.

Letter writing书信写作

Write a letter of about 100 words in three paragraphs to a relation who lives abroad. Ask him whether it would be possible for you to get a job abroad for a few months to help to pay for a holiday you intend to have.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点

Exercises 练习

1  It has been said that …. (1. 1) Write two sentences using the following: He is said …, It is said that … (IKS 58b) (参见第2册第58课关键句型b)

2  teachers live by selling knowledge. (1. 2) Write sentences using the following words: information, news, work and luggage. (IKS 54a) (参见第2册第54课关键句型a)

3  There are times … . (11. 6-7) Write sentences using the following: it will be; there was; there has been. (ISD 23) (参见第2册第23课难点)

4  we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives. (1. 7) Note the use of to here. Write sentences using the following: so as not to; in order that my mother; so that. (ISD 59) (参见第2册第59课难点)

5  skills have to be paid for. (1. 9) Write two sentences using the following: to be found; to be sold. (IKS 34) (参见第2册第34课关键句型)

6  He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from. (1. 15) Write these sentences again changing the position of the words in italics. Where possible omit the words whom and which. (SD 1) (参见第1课难点)

By whom was this book written?

This is not the sort of book in which I am interested.

7  He has to sleep in the open. He gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. (11. 17-18) Join these two sentences then compare your answer with the sentence in the passage. (IKS 20) (参见第2册第20课关键句型)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  It is very difficult to estimate the true value of the services people perform for us because ______ .

a.people's needs vary so much according to their circumstances

b.we refuse to admit that surgeons perform a very necessary service

c.we seldom should give everything we possess for such services

d.such services are paid for in the same way as material goods

2  In choosing to lead the life he leads, the tramp has decided ______ .

a.he will never need to ask people for anything

b.to sleep in the open in order to be closer to the world of nature

c.he would rather lead the life of a criminal than do any work

d.his freedom more than compensates for the inconveniences of such a life

3  In moments of truth we feel envious of a tramp's way of life because ______ .

a.we feel that our way of life is undignified compared to a tramp's

b.his life is not burdened with the anxieties we are often troubled by

c.of the freedom he has from the struggle to keep alive

d.we realize that it is better than having to beg for a livelihood

Structure 结构

4  Yet we might grudge ______ a surgeon for offering … (1. 8)

a.a high fee we had paid

b.the high fee we would pay

c.the high fee paying

d.to pay a high fee

5  They ______ require anything from others. (11. 12-13)

a.do not have to sell anything or

b.have nothing to sell nor do they

c.have to sell nothing nor they

d.have not sold anything and do not

6  With so few material possessions, he ______ to move from … (11. 16-17)

a.may be able

b.is able


d.is possible

7  We often speak contemptuously ______ tramps and … (11. 19-20)





8  But ______ of us can honestly say … (1. 20)


b.which ones

c.how many

d.what one

Vocabulary 词汇

9  A surgeon is a man who ______ . (1. 8)

a.saves people's lives

b.gives people financial advice

c.performs operations

d.insures people's lives against sickness or death

10  ---- make it possible for him to move ______ with ease. (11. 16-17)

a.here and there

b.one way or another

c.from square to square

d.in every sense

11  He may hunt, beg or steal occasionally to ______ … (1. 18)

a.make a living


c.be living

d.be alive

12  We often ______ tramps and put them down as beggars. (11. 20-21)



c.look down on
