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Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.www.xiao84.com

1  Why do eccentrics add to the dull routine of everyday life?

2  Why was Richard Colson one of the most notable figures of our town?

3  What did Colson set out to prove when he held an exhibition of modern painting?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: deliberately (1. 1);disregard (1. 2); conventions (1. 2); conscious (1. 3); notable figures (1. 7); shrewd (1. 7); elaborate (1. 22).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words explain how Dickie bought a watch for his wife. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write an actual or imaginary description of an eccentric person. Expand the ideas given below into a plan and provide a suitable title. Your Composition should be in three or four paragraphs.

Ideas: Appearance ---- dress ---- behaviour ---- home ---- way he or she lives ---- strange actions (e. g. puts up strange notices to passers-by in his garden; stands for parliament ---- gives speeches saying what he would do if he were Prime Minister ---- gets a few votes, etc. ) The way other people behave towards him.

Letter writing书信写作

An old friend of yours has just died. Write a letter of about 100 words in three paragraphs to his wife expressing your sympathy and asking if you can help her in any way.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点

Exercises 练习

1  without being conscious (11. 2-3). Write sentences using verbs after each of the following: instead of; apart from; interested in. (IKS 20) (参见第2册第20课关键句型)

2  He owned a large car. He hardly ever used it. He preferred always to go on foot. (11. 10-11) Join these three sentences then compare your answer with the sentence in the passage. (IKS 49) (参见第2册第49课关键关键句型)

3  he walked into an expensive shop (11. l1-12). Write two pairs of sentences illustrating the difference between: into and out of; into and in. (IKS 33b) (参见第2册第33课关键句型b)

4  Dickie paid no attention. (11. 15) Write sentences using the following: pay attention, care and take care. (ISD 16b) (参见第2册第16课难点b)

5  Recognizing who the customer was . . . (1. 16). Write sentences completing the following: I don't know who . . . ; Ask him why … ; She asked if … (IKS 39) (参见第2册第39课关键句型)

6  He insisted on the assistant's counting the money. (1. 18) Complete the following: Would you mind my . . . ; Irnagine her . . . (IKS 68b) (参见第2册第68课关键句型b)

7  30, 000 pennies in all (1. 18). Write sentences using the following phrases: in the end; in debt; in sight; in tears. (SD 2) (参见第2课难点)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the. correct answers to the following questions.


1  Most people in the town would have regarded Dickie's behaviour as eccentric on the day he visited the shop because ______ .

a.when he set out into the rain he did not take an umbrella

b.he went to such lengths to show his dislike of snobbery

c.he spent so much money on a watch

d.he had not counted the pennies before giving them to the assistant

2  When Dickie went into an expensive shop ______ .

a.he wanted to shelter from the rain

b.he did not look like a man who could afford a watch

c.he had forgotten to bring his cloth bag with him

d.he had been sent by his wife to buy a watch

3  The press paid a great deal of attention to Dickie's exhibition because ______ .

a.it had taken him so long to prepare the paintings

b.the critics admired Dickie's ability to copy the work of famous artists

c.no one had known that Dickie was a painter

d.it became known that Dickie had succeeded in deceiving the critics

Structure 结构

4  They disregard social conventions and are quite unaware ______ they are doing anything extraordinary. (11. 2-3)

a.that what

b.of the fact that



5  As it ______ , he dumped it on the counter. (11. 14-15)

a.was weighing

b.weighed a lot

c.weighed much

d.had weighed much

6  ______ £300 worth of pennies in the bag. (11. 17-18)

a.There were

b.It was

c.They were

d.It had

7  He insisted ______ the money before he left. (1. 18)

a.that the assistant should count

b.the assistant to count

c.to count

d.to be counted

8  He asked a number of important critics to come ______ his private . . . (11. 19-20)

a.and see



d.so they saw


9  -and returned carrying a large ______ . (1. 14)

a.cloth case


c.sack of clothing

d.bag made of cloth

10  But Dickie paid no attention to his ______ . . . (1. 15)





11  The pictures were supposed to have been ______ by famous artists. (11. 20-21)





12  Critics do not always ______ . (1. 22)

a.mean well

b.speak with understanding

c.tell the truth

d.talk sense