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Lesson 43 Fully insured 全保险


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.www.xiao84.com

1  How is a policy holder affected when an insurance company takes a big risk?

2  Why had the local authorities bought such a big pie dish?

3  Why did the pie dish capsize?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: a standard practice(1. 2); in the event of (1. 5); premium(1. 6);salvaging(1. 9);annual(1. 11);launched(1. 13);capsized(1. 15).

Summary writing摘要写作

Describe in not more than 80 words how the pie dish was recovered after it had been located in the water. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


Write a Composition in about 300 words on one of the following:

a Write an imaginary account of how the pie dish capsized during the party held by the teenagers.

b Describe a day spent by the river or by the sea.

Letter writing书信写作

You have just heard that a friend of yours was recently involved in a car accident but was not hurt. Write a letter of about 100 words telling him how you came to hear of the accident and expressing the hope that he has recovered from his unpleasant experience.

Key structures and Special difficulties关键句型和难点

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. Then refer to 11. 23-24.

This time heavy metal clamps were fixed to both sides of the dish so that the chains could be fastened. This time they…

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  In the case of the pie dish, the insurance company concerned ______ .

a.demanded a high premium in view of the unusual size of the dish

b.was asked to pay the costs of the salvaging operation

c.agreed to pay the cost of transporting the dish by canal

d.arranged for the dish to be recovered from the canal

2  When the pie dish had capsized, the men who came to recover it ______ .

a.had some difficulty finding it as they had been drinking locally

b.had little difficulty finding it as it had not sunk to the bottom

c.found it difficult to devise a way of getting it out of the water

d.damaged the dish when they attached hawsers and chains to the rim

3  The huge wave in the canal was caused by ______ .

a.the sinking of the pie dish

b.the dish sliding back into the water

c.the great quantity of water which poured off the dish when they were getting it out

d.the party of teenagers

4  Eventually the dish was successfully recovered by ______ .

a.resting one of its edges on the bank and attaching chains to the other

b.securing the winch chains with metal clamps and lifting it vertically

c.one of the men getting on to the truck so as to pull at the chains

d.some men who hauled it to the surface of the water at tremendous speed


5  The bigger the risk an insurance company takes, ______ to pay as a premium. (11. 5-7)

a.the higher you will have

b.the more you will have

c.more you will have

d.you will have higher

6  It is not uncommon to hear ______ a claim for…(11. 7-8)

a.of a shipping company making

b.a shipping company to have made

c.the shipping company which has made

d.a shipping company making

7  The sides of the dish were so smooth that attaching hawsers and chains to the rim ______ almost certain to damage it. (11. 19-20)



c.it was


8  There was a danger that when the wave ______ off the other side, it would send the dish plunging into the water again. (11. 28-29)

a.was rebounding

b.has rebounded


d.would rebound


9  Three men dived ______ into the water. (11. 17-18)

a.now and again

b.one after another

c.time and again

d.many a time

10  A powerful winch was ______ . (11. 20-21)

a.got going

b.made to work

c.taken to task

d.given a function

11  For one ______ moment, the dish…(11. 21-23)





12  This time they put metal clamps ______ both sides of the dish. (11. 23-24)


b.on to

