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Lesson 55 From the earth: Greetings 来自地球的问候


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.巴士英语www.xiao84.com

1  Why is it a major achievement to be able to find new planets in space?

2  Why can't all planets support life?

3  What will be one of the great astronomical projects of the twenty-first century?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: detect (1. 1); in relative terms (1. 3); emit (1. 4); ideal conditions (1. 8); capable of (1. 12); alternatively (1. 12); presence (1. 15).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what would have to be done to find life on a distant planet and what kind of life this might be. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


Write a Composition in about 300 words on one of the following:

a  Extra terrestrials.

b  Supposing the time came when we could send pictures of life on earth to intelligent creatures on other planets. What sorts of pictures do you think would be most interesting to them?

Letter writing书信写作

You borrow from a friend a travel guide which you are now returning. Write him or her a letter of about 100 words thanking him or her for having lent it to you and saying how useful you found it.

Key structures and Special difficulties关键句型和难点

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. Then refer to 11. 20-21.

A telescope would have to be far away ---- for instance round the planet Jupiter ---- to look for life in outer space. A telescope would…as the planet Jupiter……

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  Why are planets in other solar systems so much more difficult to detect than stars?

a.Because of the dust particles in our own solar system.

b.Because of the limitations of earth-based telescopes.

c.Because even the Hubble is not powerful enough to see beyond the Milky Way.

d.Because planets are small and dark, and stars are large and radiant.

2  What do we know about the kind of planet, other than our own, that might be able to support life?

a.It will orbit closely round its star.

b.It will be at least four billion years old.

c.Its distance from its star will be such that it has a moderate temperature.

d.It will have an atmosphere capable of supporting bacteria.

3  A telescope capable of finding life on other planets would have to be

a.far enough from the centre of our solar system not to be affected by dust

b.infinitely more powerful than even the very successful Hubble

c.orbiting in a different solar system a long way away from our own

d.on the planet Jupiter, on the edge of our solar system

Structure 结构

4  It has become possible ______ recent developments in astronomy to…(1. 1)

a.caused by


c.as regards


5  Venus is far too hot and Mars is too cold ______ there to be any life. (11. 7-8)





6  A planet would have to be a very long way from ______ (11. 11-12)

a.so big a star

b.such big star

c.a like star

d.a star as this

7  At present, the telescope ______ that is capable of detecting life. (11. 14-15)

a.does not exist

b.no exist

c.cannot exist

d.won't exist

8  ______ in human endeavour or thought would be unchanged. (11. 30-31)

a.All things




9  Imagine a star ______ twenty times larger than our own sun. (11. 10-11)

a.as much as

b.as well as

c.such as

d.as if

10  The oxygen we breatheon earth has been ______ by bacteria. (11. 25-26)




d.given being

11  As Earth-dwellers, we ______ that we will be visited by little green men. (11. 26-27)

a.like to know

b.fondly dream

c.love to expect

d.profoundly believe

12  No human endeavour or thought would be ______ by it. (11. 30-31)



