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Lesson 67 Volcanoes 火山

Summary writing摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 80 words.xiao84.com


1  Where did Tazieff, the Polish scientist, go in 1948? Why did he go there? What did he call it?(to…which)

2  Did he take photographs or not? Did he have to leave almost at once or not? Did a river of liquid rock threaten to  surround him or not?(After taking…because)

3  Did he escape just in time or not? When did he return? Had the volcano become quiet, or was it still active?(but…  when)

4  Where did he climb this time? Why did he do so?(in order to)


Write three or four sentences using the ideas given below:


Tazieff went into the mouth of Kituro----saw the boiling red centre----ash----lumps of rock shooting up----in great danger   ----took photographs----returned to camp.

Letter writing书信写作

Write six sentences beginning with each of the following:


Thank you…;What a…; Forgive…; I have not…; I am sorry…; It was very….

Key structures关键句型

Can, Be able to and Manage to

a  Do you remember these sentences?(KS43b,c)

你还记得以下句子吗?(参见第 43课关键句型 b, c)

I couldn't understand him.

I wasn't able to understand him.

He was able to leave Europe before the war began.


b  Managed to can be used like was able to to show that an action has been completed successfully.(KS43c)managed to可以像was able to表示一个成功地完成了的动作(参见第 43课关键句型c)

Instead of saying:                              We can say:

除了这种表述方法外:                    还可以说:

He didn't agree with me at first but I was able to persuade him.

He didn't agree with me at first but I managed to persuade him.

He was able to leave Europe before the war began.

He managed to leave Europe before the war began.


A  Underline the verbs could, was able to and managed to in the passage. Note how they have been used.

划出课文中could, was able to和managed to,并注意它们的用法。

B  Supply could,was able to or managed to in this paragraph:Do not refer to the passage until you finish the  exercise.

用 could, was able to或 managed to填空,完成练习后再对照课文,核对你的答案。

Tazieff____ set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he____ take a number of brilliant photographs, he ____not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river    of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff escaped just in time. He  waited until the volcano became quiet and he____ return two days later, This time, he ____climb into   the mouth of Kituro so that he ____take photographs and measure temperatures.

C  Rewrite these sentences using managed to in place of could not.

改写以下句子,用 managed to 来代替could not.

1  I could not get into town this morning.

2  They could not find the boy who  had run away.

3  He could not find a new job.

4  I could not translate the passage into English.

5  They could not swim to the other side of the river.

Special difficulties难点

Phrases with say and tell(KS15)带 say与tell的短语(参见第15课关键句型)

Study these phrases:


a  Say.

Did he say anything to you about it? No,he said nothing.

他有没有告诉你有关的任何事情?没有,他什么也没有  说。

He knelt down and said his prayers.


If you want some more cake,please say so.


I'm sure it would help if you could say a good word for him.


He said goodbye and left.他告辞后离开了。

 Please say no more about it.


b  Tell. He has been able to tell us more about volcanoes…(11.11-12)

Can you tell me anything about it?


Please tell us a story.


Can you tell the time in English?


I want you to tell me the truth.


He often tells lies.


If you promise not to tell anyone,I'll tell you a secret.


Can't you tell the difference between an Austin and a Morris?



Supply the correct form of say or tell in the following sentence:


1  He is only five, but he can already ____the time.

2  They asked the prisoner several questions, but he____ nothing.

3  If you ____so, I suppose it's true. I don't think you would ____me a lie.

4  They are so alike, I can't ____the difference between them.

5  He ____me about his experiences in the Navy.

6 If you could ____a good word for him,he might get the job.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1  Tazieff went to the Congo ____.

(a) to observe Lake Kivu  

(b) to take photographs

(c) to name a new volcano 

(d) to investigate a new volcano

2  Kituro erupted violently ____.

(a) and Tazieff had to leave but he returned later

(b) so Tazieff had to leave and couldn't return 

(c) so Tazieff couldn't take photographs 

(d) so Tazieff couldn't measure temperatures

Structure 结构

3  He managed to take a number of photographs. This means he ____them.

(a) might have taken

(b) could have taken

(c) should have taken

(d) succeeded in taking 

4  He escaped just in time. He____ escaped.

(a)just only



(d) only just

5  He waited until the volcano became quiet. He waited ____quiet.

(a) to the volcano to become

(b) the volcano to become

(c) the volcano became 

(d) for the volcano to become

6  He was able to return. This means  he ____.

(a) could if he wanted to

(b) might 

(c) could have 

(d) did

7  He has been able to tell us a lot ____volcanoes.

(a) considering 

(b) on the subject of

(c) in relation  

(d) referring

Vocabulary  词汇

8  Tazieff is a Polish scientist. He comes from ____.

(a) Pole

(b) Poland

(c) Polish

(d) the Pole

9  He name it Kituro. That's what he ____it.

(a) called

(b) shouted

(c) cried 

(d) screamed

10  The rock was in a liquid state. It wasn't ____.

(a) firm

(b) stable

(c) whole

(d) solid

11  He wanted to measure temperatures. He wanted to ____them.

(a) count




12  He has told us more than any ____person.





sentence strucfure句子结构

Make two sentences of the following, then check your answer against the text.


Tazieff noticed that a river of liquid rock, which threatened to surround him completely, was coming towards him, but he managed to escape just in time.