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Lesson 73 The record-holder纪录保持者

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words, describe the boy's experiences. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.www.xiao84.com



Write two paragraphs in about 150 words using the ideas given below:


1  The boy returned----sick, cold and hungry----his parents were worried----met him at the harbour----their reactions.

2  The boy returned to school----he was afraid he would be punished----the boys gave him a hero's welcome----asked questions----the headmaster punished him by making him give a talk to the whole school about his experiences abroad.

Letter writing书信写作

A letter contains three main parts: the introduction, the Purpose and the Conclusion. The most important part is the Purpose.Here you must explain why you are writing.



Write a short Introduction of a letter to a friend beginning:


‘You will never guess what…’

Key structures关键句型

Simple, Compound and Complex Statements (KS1, 25, 49)简单句、并列句和复合句



A  How many joining words can you find in the passage? Underline as many as you can.


B  Rewrite these simple statements using the joining words in parentheses. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.


1  Children play truant from school. They are unimaginative. (who)

2  They have all been put to shame by a boy. He played truant. He travelled 1,600 miles. (a boy who, while…)

3  He hitchhiked to Dover. Towards evening, he went into a boat. He wanted to find somewhere to sleep. (and…to)

4  He woke up next morning. He discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais. (When)

5  No one noticed the boy. He crept off. (as)

6  The driver gave him a few biscuits. He gave him a cup of coffee. He left him outside the city. (and …and)

C  Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1  The climbers reached the top of the mountain. They spent the night there. (not only…but…as well)

2  A fire broke out in a cinema. Several hundred people tried to leave the building. A number of them were injured.(When…and)

3  James Sullivan will give a lecture at the local library next week. His book on the Antarctic was published recently.(whose)

4  The police searched everywhere. The missing boy could not be found. His dog could not be found. (Although…neither…nor)

5  Fares have increased. The railway company is still losing money. The employees have demanded higher wages. (In spite of the fact that…because)

6  He gave me a fright. I knocked the teapot over. (such…that)

7  I made sure. The alarm clock worked. I set it. It would ring at six o'clock. (After making…that…so that)

8  I hid the Christmas presents under the desk quickly. My young daughter would not see them. She entered the room.(so that…when)

9  I refused the offer. I explained. I had already been offered a job by another company. (Refusing…that…)

10  He fought the wolves off for three hours. Help arrived.(before)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1  How did the boy get to Dover?

(a) He walked.

(b) He went by train.

(c) Someone gave him a lift.

(d) He went in a lorry

2  The boy ____.

(a) didn't expect to be taken to Perpignan

(b) decided to go to Perpignan

(c) went to Paris  

(d) wanted to go to Spain


3  ____did he travel? 1,600 miles.

(a) How long  

(b) How long ago  

(c) How much further  

(d) How far

4  How did he get to Dover?

(a) By hitchhiking.  

(b) With hitchhike.  

(c) Hitchhiking.

(d)With hitchhiking.

5  He wasn't noticed by____ as he crept off the boat.

(a) no one  

(b) none  

(c) anyone  

(d) not one

6  The driver gave him a few biscuits.____ was given a few biscuits.

(a) To him  

(b) Him  

(c) For him  

(d) He

7  After____ by a policeman, he was sent back to England.

(a) being picked up  

(b) he picked up  

(c) been picked up  

(d)picking up

Vocabulary 词汇

8  Little boys who play truant don't go to school ____.

(a) because they are ill

(b) because they have left

(c) because they are not allowed to

(d) on purpose

9  They are unimaginative. They haven't much ____.

(a) imagination

(b) fantasy

(c) imaginary

(d) fantasia

10  They have been put to shame by a boy. They should feel ____.

(a) ashamed

(b) shy

(c) shyness

(d) shameful

11  He was picked up by a policeman. A policeman____ him.

(a) gathered  

(b) collected

(c) assembled

(d) found

12 Thousands of boys dream of evading school. They dream of____ it.

(a) escaping  

(b) avoiding 

(c) preventing  

(d) running away

Sentence structure句子结构

Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text.


On waking up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.

When _____________________________________________.