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Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue 口误

Summary writing摘要写作

Make a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words.Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.xiao84.com



Write a newspaper report of the event described in the passage. Write two paragraphs in about 150 words using the ideas given below:


1  There was a long queue of people outside the cinema ---- many people failed to get in ---- they were the lucky ones.

2  A description of the stage ---- there was a large, ugly model of a yellow bird ---- free packets of bird seed for the audience ---- the advertiser's mistake ---- how the audience reacted ---- the rest of the show: a disappointment.

Letter writing书信写作

Write three letter-endings followed by postscripts.


Key structures关键句型

Must, Have to, Need, Should (KS17, 41, 65) (复习第17,41,65课关键句型)。


A  Note how the verbs have to, must, need and should have been used in the passage.

注意课文中have to, must, need和 should的用法。

B  Supply the correct form of have to, must, need and should in the following. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:

用have to, must, need, 和 should填空,完成练习后再对照课文核对你的答案:

1  We ________ queue for hours to get in and there ______ (be) several hundred people present just before the show began. Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen. Those who failed to get in ______ not (feel) disappointed as many on the artistes who ________ (appear) did not come.

2  As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know what the poor man ________ (say), but what he actually said was: ‘This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company ...’

C  Supply must not or need not in the following sentences:

用 must not或 need not填空:

1  You ________ open the door the compartment until the train has stopped. It is very dangerous.

2  You ________ bother to post those letters for me. I'll be going out myself soon.

D  Supply the correct form of have to or should in the following sentences:

用 have to或 should填空:

1  I'm sorry I couldn't get here on time. I _______ (go) to the bank.

2  I ______ (go) to the dentist yesterday but I forgot all about it.

3  We ________ (begin) work at 9 o'clock but we never do.

Special difficulties难点

Words often confused and misused经常容易混淆和误用的词

Study these examples:


a  Free and Single.

People will do anything to see a free show. (1.1)

The people are free to choose who will govern them.


Is she still single? I thought she was going to get married last April.


b  Queue and Row.

We had to queue for hours to get in. (1.4)

There was a long queue outside the cinema.


I enjoyed the performance because I had a very good seat in the fifth row.


c  Funny.

The only funny things we heard that evening…(11.8-9)

There's something funny about this house. (Something peculiar.)



A  Choose the correct words in the following sentences:


1  I joined the(queue)(row)at the bus stop.

2  He's still(free)(single)even though he's over forty. I don't think he'll ever get married.

B  Write two sentences bringing out the meanings of the word funny.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1  There was a big demand for tickets because _____.

(a) they didn't cost any money

(b) there were many famous artistes in the show

(c) the show was presented by the P. and U. Bird Seed Company

(d) the show was very funny

2  The audience ________.

(a) enjoyed the advertiser's opening remarks

(b) enjoyed the show

(c) enjoyed the advertisements

(d) enjoyed the performance by the artistes


3  People will do anything to see a free show----even if it is _______.

(a) badly

(b) bad one

(c) a bad

(d) bad

4  How long ________ queue?

(a) did they have to

(b) they had to

(c) had they to

(d) they did have to

5  There must have been several hundred people present. __________... .

(a) There had to be

(b) There must be

(c) It was necessary to be

(d) I think there were

6  Many of the artistes who _______ did not come.

(a) ought to appear

(b) should appear

(c) had to appear

(d) ought to have appeared

7  He stood awkwardly _________ the microphone.

(a) in front of

(b) ahead of

(c) on top of

(d) instead of


8  A comedy show is usually very ________.

(a) serious

(b) different

(c) unusual

(d) light

9  We had to queue. We had to wait our ______.

(a) queue

(b) turn

(c) row

(d) line

10  The show was dull. It was ________.

(a) disinterested

(b) uninterested

(c) interesting

(d) uninteresting

11  He was nervous. He felt ________.

(a) angry

(b) bad-tempered

(c) annoyed

(d) anxious


Everyone burst out laughing. There was a lot of _______.

(a) laughs

(b) laughter

(c) laughings

(d) laugh