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Lesson 96 The dead return 亡灵返乡

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words, give an account of the Festival for the Dead. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.巴士英语www.xiao84.com



Imagine witnessing the sort of festival described in the passage. Write two paragraphs in about 150 words using the ideas given below:


1  Preparations: the making of the lanterns; preparing food ---- description of the streets at night; people dancing and singing.

2  The following morning ---- food was thrown away ---- lanterns on the sea ---- people watching ---- the lanterns disappeared ---- the sun rose.

Letter writing书信写作

Write a letter to a friend refusing an invitation to a party. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion. Use the following ideas to write your Purpose:


you regret you cannot come ---- reason why ---- you bought tickets for a play a month ago ---- you have arranged to go with several friends.

Special difficulties难点

Review SD 74-91 复习第  74-91课的难点


A  Words often confused 经常容易混淆的词

Choose the correct words in the following sentences:


1  He came to see me yesterday as (usually) (usual). (第761课a)

2  There was no one I knew (between) (among) those present. (第  76 课b)

3  The (headmaster) (manager) of this store is kept very busy.(第  76课  c)

4  Children's (cloths) (clothes) are difficult to choose. (第  81课  a)

5  He never (greets) (salutes) anyone in the morning.(第  81课  b)

6  Your hands are not very (clean) (clear), are they? (第 81课 c)

7  Mary's in the kitchen. She's (washing) (washing up) the plates. (第 82课 b)

8  If you lose your (temper) (mood) you will regret it. (第83课)

9  This problem is (enough) (too) difficult for me. (第85课)

10  He is (enough) (fairly) good at his work. (第86课a)

11  He is trying hard but his work is still not good (enough) (fairly). (第86课 a)

12  Young people should remain (free) (single) for a few years before they marry.(第 89课 a)

13  There was a long (row) (queue) at the bus stop. (第89课 b)

B  Get (第 74课 a) ;keep(第 78课); take(第 79课); run(第 88课); make(第91课).

Complete these sentences by adding any of the following words: into, in, after, out, out of, down, up, away, for, over, from.


1  His lies would not take ____anybody but a fool.

2  The explorers returned because they had run ____food.

3  He is very good at making ____ stories for children.

4  It took him a long time to get ____ his illness.

5  Mrs. Jones told her daughter to keep ____ the stove.

6  During the storm, the ship made  ____the nearest harbour.

7  Has this car been run ____ yet?

8  The bird accidentally flew into the room and couldn't get ____.

9  He spoke so quickly, I didn't have time to take ____ what he said.

10  Though we all ran ____the thief, we could not catch him.

11  I hadn't seen him for years and I accidentally ran  ____him in the street this morning.

12  Ronald will take ____the family business now that his father has died.

13  Can you make ____the address on this envelope?

14  I've taken ____ painting in my spare time.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1 The festival is a cheerful occasion because ____.

(a) of the lanterns

(b) food is laid out for the dead

(c) people stay up all night

(d) the dead are welcomed home by the living

2  What is the purpose of the lanterns?

(a) They are nice decorations.

(b) They can be thrown into the sea.

(c) They are supposed to help the dead to find their way.

(d) They help the living to find their way.


3  ____a year is the festival held? Only once a year.

(a) How much

(b) How many

(c) How many times

(d) Which times

4  The dead are said to return. ____ they return to their homes.

(a) It is saying

(b) People say

(c) People are said

(d) It said

5  All night long people dance and sing. They do this ____.

(a) during the whole night

(b) in all the night

(c) the night long

(d) in the night

6  If anyone  ____the food he will be unlucky.

(a) would eat

(b) will eat

(c) had eaten

(d) eats

7  Lanterns which had been hung in the streets are ____placed into the water.

(a) since the night

(b) a night ago

(c) the previous night

(d) before the night


8  It's a cheerful occasion. It's a cheerful ____.

(a) situation

(b) condition 

(c) place 

(d) event

9  The food is thrown into the river. It is thrown ____.

(a) away

(b) off 

(c) out 

(d) down

10  The lanterns are placed into the water when the  festival is over. This happens ____the festival.

(a) during

(b) after 

(c) before 

(d) at the same time as

11  The lanterns guide the dead to the other world. They ____.

(a) drive them

(b) steer them 

(c) show them the way 

(d) instruct them

12  It's a moving spectacle. It's a wonderful ____.

(a) view

(b) sight 

(c) vision 

(d) viewpoint

Sentence structure句子结构

Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text.


It's expected that they will be hungry after their long journey, so food is laid out for them.

As they ________________________________________________.