Lesson 44 Are there any ...?有些...吗?

2020-05-30 by 巴士英语 【字体:   手机访问

Lesson 44 Are there any...?有些……吗?
Is there any...?有些……吗?

Listen to the tape and answer the questions


bread on the table

hammers behind that box

milk in front of the door
a hundred

soap on the cupboard
two hundred

newspapers behind that vase
three hundred

water in those glasses
four hundred

tea in those cups
five hundred

cups in front of that kettle
six hundred

chocolate behind that book
seven hundred

teapots in the cupboard
eight hundred

cars in front of that building
nie hundred

coffee on the table


Written exercises 书面练习

A Look at these:

glass—glasses; book—books; housewife—housewives.
Rewrite these sentences.


I can see some cups. But I can't see any______(glass).
I can see some cups, but I can't see any glasses.

1 I can see some spoons, but I can't see any______(knife).
2 I can see some hammers, but I can't see any______(box).
3 I can see some coffee, but I can't see any______(loaf) of bread.
4 I can see some cupboards, but I can't see any______(shelf).
5 I can see Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, but I can't see their______(wife).
6 I can see some cups, but I can't see any______(dish).
7 I can see some cars, but I can't see any______(bus).

B Write questions and answers using these words.


bread/on the table
Is there any bread here?
Yes, there is. There's some on the table.
hammers/behind that box
Are there any hammers here?
Yes, there are. There are some on the table. 

1 milk/in front of the door
2 soap/on the cupboard
3 newspapers/behind that vase
4 water/in those glasses
5 tea/in those cups
6 cups/in front of that kettle
7 chocolate/behind that book
8 teapots/in that cup board
9 cars/in front of that building
10 coffee/on the table




