Lesson 50 He likes ...他喜欢...

2020-05-30 by 巴士英语 【字体:   手机访问


Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

13th thirteenth
14th fourteenth
15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth
17th seventeenth
18th eighteenth
19th nineteenth
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first
22nd twenty-second
23rd twenty-third
24th twenty-fourth


New words and expressions 生词和短语

tomato /tə'mɑ:təu/ n. 西红柿 bean /bi:n/ n. 豆角
potato /pə'teitəu/ n. 土豆 pear /peə/ n. 梨
cabbage /'kæbidʒ/ n. 卷心菜 grape /greip/ n. 葡萄
lettuce /'letis/n. 莴苣 peach /pi:tʃ/ n. 桃
pea /pi:/ n. 豌豆  

Written exercises 书面练习

A Complete these sentences using an not, aren't, isn't, can't, don't or doesn't.
完成以下句子,用am not, aren't, isn't, can't, don't或doesn't填空。

1 He likes coffee, but I______.
2 She likes tea, but he ______.
3 He is eating some bread, but she ______.
4 She can type very well, but he ______.
5 They are working hard, but we ______.
6 He is reading a magazine, but I______.

B Answer these questions using I, he or she.
模仿例句回答以下问题,选用I, he或she。


Does Penny like tomatoes?
Yes, she does.
She likes tomatoes, but she doesn't want any.
Do you like potatoes?
Yes, I do.
I like potatoes, but I don't want any.

1 Does Sam like cabbage?
2 Does Sam like lettuce?
3 Do you like peas?
4 Does Mrs. White like beaus?
5 Do you like bananas?
6 Does Mr. Jones like oranges?
7 Does George like apples?
8 Does Elizabeth like pears?
9 Do you like grapes?
10 Does Carol like peaches?




