Lesson 54 What nationality are they? 他们是哪国人

2021-09-04 by 巴士英语 【字体:   手机访问


Lesson 54 What nationality are they? 他们是哪国人?
Where do they come from? 他们来自哪个国家?

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

  • 20th

    I'm Australian.
    I come from Australia.
  • 30th

    He's Austrian.
    He comes from Austria.
  • 40th

    He's Canadian.
    He comes from Cananda.
  • 50th

    We're Chinese.
    We come from China.
  • 60th

    You're Finnish.
    You come from Finland.
  • 70th

    She's Indian.
    She comes from India.
  • 80th

    You're Japanese.
    You come from Japan.
  • 90th

    I'm Korean.
    I come from Korea.
  • 100th

    We're Nigerian.
    We come from Nigeria.
  • 101st

    They're Polish.
    They come from Poland.
  • 102nd

    She is Thai.
    She comes from Thailand.
  • 103rd

    She's Turkish.
    She comes from Turkey.

New words and expressions 生词和短语

Australia /ɔs'treilʃə/ n. 澳大利亚 Japan /dʒə'pæn/ n. 日本
Australian /ɔs'treiljən/ n. 澳大利亚人 Nigeria /nai'dʒiəriə/ n. 尼日利亚
Austria /'ɔstriən/ n. 奥地利 Nigerian /nai'dʒiəirən/ n. 尼日利亚人
Austrian /'ɔstriən/ n. 奥地利人 Turkey /'tə:ki/ n. 土耳其
Canada /'kænədə/ n. 加拿大 Turkish /'tə:kiiʃ/ n. 土耳其人
Canadian /kə'neidiən/ n. 加拿大人 Korea /kə'riə/ n. 韩国
China /'tʃainə/ n. 中国 Polish /'pəuliʃ/ n. 波兰人
Finland /'finlənd/ n. 芬兰 Poland /'pəulənd/ n. 波兰
Finnish /'finiʃ/ n. 芬兰人 Thai /tai/ n. 泰国人
India /'indiən/ n. 印度 Thailand /'tailənd/ n. 泰国
Indian /'indiən/ n. 印度人  

Written exercises 书面练习

A Write questions and answers.



The sun rises early.

Does the sun rise early?
The sun doesn't rise early.

1 The sun sets late. 3 Mrs. Jones wants a biscuit.
2 He likes ice cream. 4 Jim comes from England.

B Write questions and answers using these words.




Where does he come from? Is he Bnagilian?
Yes, He's Bnagilian. He comes from Bnagil.

1 he/Australia 6 she/India
2 he/Austria 7 they/Japan
3 he/Canada 8 they/Nigeria
4 they/China 9 she/Turkey
5 he/Finland 10 She/Korea




