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Lesson 33 Education 教育

Lesson 33 Education 教育

时间:2015-01-21 06:57点击:

Comprehension 理解

Answer these questions:

1In what way can education be said to be‘an investment’?

2 Give one reason why the author appears to be opposed to formal education.

3 Give one reason why, according to the author, a primitive society is superior to a civilized society.

Vocabulary 词汇

Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words: key (1.1); adverse circumstances (1.2); enlightened (1.4); potential (1.4); lay less stress (1.8); binding (1.14); illiterates (1.15); compulsory (1.16); monetary means (1.20); entitled (1.20); juvenile delinquency (1.23).  

Summary 摘要

Drawing your information from lines 7-24 (‘So much …for his child.’) write a summary of the author's argument that real equality of opportunity is only to be found in a primitive society. Do not write more than 100 words. Your answer should be in one paragraph.

Composition 作文

A Write a list of ideas in note form which could be used to discuss this subject: ‘A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twentieth century opportunities.’ (11.1-2)

B Drawing on your list of ideas, write a composition of about 400 words.

Key structures 关键句型

A Supply the missing words in the following paragraph. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

Education is one____ the key words____ our time. A man____ an education, many ____us believe, is an unfortunate victim____ adverse circumstances deprived____ one____ the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced____ the importance____ education, modern states ‘invest =____ institutions____ learning to get back___‘interest’____ the form____ a large group____ enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, ____its cycles____ instruction so carefully worked ____, punctuated____ textbooks ----those purchasable wells____ wisdom----what would civilization be like____ its benefits? (11.1-6)

B A great many words and phrases are enclosed in inverted commas in this passage. What purpose do the inverted commas serve? Justify your answer with reference to three phrases.

C Supply less or fewer in the following sentences:

1 We would lay____ stress on ‘facts and figures’. (1.8)

2 There were____ opportunities to get a good education in the past.

3 ____people die of tuberculosis these days.

4 I have____ time now than I used to have.

5 If there were ___buses on the roads it would be easier to drive to work.

D Supply who, whom or which in the following sentences. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

1 Modern states get back ‘interest’in the form of a large group of enlightened young men and women are potential leaders. (11.3-4)

2 Among the people ___we like to call savages all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all. (11.11-12)

3 It is the ideal condition of the ‘equal start’____ only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. (11.13-14)

E Study the pattern in italics:

This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the ‘happy few’during the past centuries. (11.17-19)

Write sentences using the same pattern with the following verbs: consider, find, think, feel, believe.

Special difficulties 难点

A Study the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference.

1 opportunity (1.2) ---- chance

Our holiday gave us a chance/an opportunity of getting fit.

Book now, or you won't have a chance of getting a seat.

We met by chance at London Airport.

2 potential (1.4) ---- potent

Think of him as a potential friend rather than an alarming stranger.

The film is full of potent images of war.

3 imaginable (1.11) ---- imaginative

Posters were plastered on every imaginable surface.

Congratulations on finding such an imaginative solution to the problem.

4 tribe (1.12) ---- race

The Seringa tribe will be wiped out by the construction of the new dam.

Global warming poses a threat to the survival of the human race.

5 compulsory (1.16) ---- necessary

In China, education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 15.

Is it necessary to wear a tie?B Explain the meaning of the words in italics:1 Our spiritual outlook would be different. (1.8)2 He's usually such a quiet person. I can't account for this outburst, can you?3 There was an outbreak of dysentery among the troops.4 One unexpected outcome of the new policy has been a fall in prices.C Comment on the use of all in these sentences: All knowledge…is shared by all.  (11.1 1-12)All are entitled to an equal start. (1.20)

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1 A modern state hopes to _____ for what an individual's education has cost.


b.reap a reward

c.charge interest

d.make an investment

2 According to the writer, among tribal peoples, the most important thing is  ______ .

a.their spiritual outlook


c.to live without books

d.to learn how to live together

3 Formal school education in modern societies  ______ __.

a.makes sure there are no illiterates

b.is relatively recent

c.is enjoyed by a‘happy few’

d.gives everyone an equal start

4 According to the writer, in primitive cultures,  ______ __.

a.children have time to develop at their own pace

b.fathers can't afford to buy an education for their children

c.the jungles and savannahs are the source of knowledge

d.parents don't pay much attention to their children

Structure 句型

5 ______ of the importance of education, modern societies… (1.3)

a.Being convincing


c.Having convinced

d.Being convinced

6 ______would civilization be without its benefits?  (1.6)





7 It is taught to every member of the tribe. ______, everybody is equipped… (1.12)


b.In fact



8 No‘illiterates’ ______ in primitive cultures.  (11.14-15)





Vocabulary 词汇

9 A man without an education is an unfortunate victim of adverse ______.(11.1-2)





10 We would lay more stress on ______. (11.8-9)





11 We would have the most democratic form of‘college’that can be ______(11.10-11)





12 Our own ______school attendance became law relatively recently. (11.15-16)



