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Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots 飞行员的先驱

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe the attempts made by Bleriot and Latham to fly across the Channel from the time when they both arrived at Calais. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph. Answer these questions in note form to get your points:巴士英语www.xiao84.com

1  On what date did Bleriot and Latham arrive at Calais?

2  Did it look as if there would be a race or not?

3  When would it take place?

4  Why did Latham not take part in the race?

5  Did Bleriot make a short test flight before setting out or not?

6  How long did it take him to fly across the Channel?

7  Who greeted him when he arrived at Dover?

8  How near to Dover did Latham fly the following week?

9  Why did he have to land on the sea for the second time?


Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: forced to land (1. 6); picked up(1. 7); completed(1. 9); covered(1. 10); test(1. 13); set off(1. 13); failed(1. 15).


Imagine yourself in Bleriot's position. In not more than 200 words, write a first-person account of the flight across the Channel. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs.

Title: My flight across the Channel.

Introduction: Early morning---- no sign of Latham----test flight----all well.

Development: Started off---- could no longer see ship following below----suddenly alone---- worried about direction ----sea and sky----high winds----engine very hot----it began to rain----rain cooled engine----land ahead. Conclusion: Flew in a circle---- looked for a place to land---- on field---- two minutes later: policeman: bonjour!Unit 1  Lesson 20

Letter writing书信写作

Suppose that you are at this moment on board an aeroplane. Write a letter of about 80 words describing your impressions. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion. Use the following ideas to write the Purpose:your feelings when the plane took off----how you feel now---- height and speed----the view from the window----when you will arrive at your destination.

Special difficulties难点

Review SD1-17复习第1至17课难点

Exercises 练习

A  Complete the following sentences:

1  What are you looking ______ . (SD1)(参见第1课)

2  We have received fifty applications ______ all. (SD2)(参见第 2课)

3  I happened to ______ . (SD3)(参见第 3课)

4  It happened ______ . (SD3)(参见第 3课)

5  I suppose ______ . (SD7)(参见第 7课)

6  He is supposed ______ . (SD7)(参见第 7课)

7  I wish you ______ . (SD12)(参见第 12课)

8  I'd rather he ______ . (SD14)(参见第14课)

9  If I can save enough money, ______ . (SD15)(参见第15课)

10  You had better ______ . (SD16)(参见第 16课)

11  I find him to ______ . (SD17)(参见第17课)

B  Write sentences using the following words. (SD4)(参见第4课)

explain/position/me; describe/film/aunt.

C  Write these sentences again beginning each one with the words in italics: (SD5)(参见第 5课)

1  He has not only made this mistake before, but he will make it again.

2  I realized what was happening only then.

D  Write the opposites of these words. (SD6)(参见第6课)

polite; agree; legible; accurate; locked; regular.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  In Hubert Latham's first attempt to fly the English Channel ______ .

a.Lord Northcliffe offered a prize of£1, 000

b.his engine failed with only seven miles to go before reaching Dover

c.his plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after take-off

d.both Latham and his plane were rescued by a passing ship

2  When Bleriot made his successful crossing ______ .

a.he was flying a plane he had made in 19O5 

b.he had already flown overland the distance across the English Channel

c.he set out for Dover half an hour before Latham did

d.he was arrested as soon as he landed in England

3  Latham failed at his second attempt because ______ .

a.he did not get up early enough

b.he had to make another forced landing

c.he only got within half a mile of Dover

d.his plane had not been repaired properly

Structure 结构

4  The first man ______ across the English Channel would receive Lord Northcliffe's prize. (11. 1-2)

a.who was going to fly


c.to fly

d.having flown

5  The first attempt ______ over a year later. (11. 2-3)

a.was not made till

b.was made in

c.was made after

d.was made until

6  He, too, ______ near Calais with a new‘Antoinette’. (11. 10-11)

a.just arrived

b.was just arriving

c.had just arrived

d.arrived just

7  It ______ to be an exciting race across the Channel. (11. 11-12)

a.would promise

b.would have promised

c.was promising


8  Latham made another attempt a week later. ______ he got within half a mile of Dover. (11. 14-15)

a.This time

b.That time


d.Then Vocobulary 词汇

9  He had travelled ______ seven miles when…(11. 5-6)

a.farther than

b.no longer than

c.no further than

d.a space of

10  The‘Antoinette’ ______ until Latham was picked up…(1. 7)

a.held water

b.was watertight

c.stayed at sea

d.rode the waves

11  After making a short test flight, Bleriot set off at quarter ______ five. (11. 12-13)





12  His ______ flight lasted thirty-seven minutes. (11. 13-14)



