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Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer. xiao84.com

1  In what part of the world is octopus considered a great delicacy?

2  Why do we stick to certain foods all our lives?

3  Why did the writer's friend find it difficult to obtain snails?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: illogical (1. 1); instance (1. 3); repulsive (1. 4); stick (1. 7); various (1. 10); associate (1. 11); appealed to (1. 13).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what happened from the moment the writer collected snails from his garden. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write a continuation of the passage. Expand the ideas given below into a plan and provide a suitable title. Your Composition should be in three or four paragraphs.

Ideas: Snails---- walls, ceiling ---- coat pockets ---- effort to collect them ---- ladders, etc. ---- marks everywhere ---- Robert amused ---- cooked the snails ---- a meal for one.

Letter writing书信写作

In not more than 100 words write a letter of three paragraphs inviting a friend to spend a weekend with your family at your home in the country.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点

Exercises 练习

1  People become quite illogical when … (1. 1) Write two sentences illustrating the use of the words quite and quiet. (ISD 53b) (参见第2册第53课难点b)

2  If you lived in the Mediterranean, you would consider octopus a great delicacy. (11. 2-3) Write this sentence again beginning ‘If you had lived …’ (IKS 64b) (参见第2册64课关键句型b)

3  the normally accepted practice. (1. 6) Write two sentences using the words practice and practise. (ISD 69a) (参见第2册第69课难点a)

4  The sad truth is that most of us … (1. 7) Write two sentences using most and the most. (IKS 54d) (参见第2册第54课关键句型d)

5  There are countless people who, ever since their earliest years … (11. 10-11) Write three sentences using the words since, for and ago. (IKS 29) (参见第2册第29课关键句型)

6  As his fiat is in a large town … (1. 12) What does as mean in this sentence? Write three sentences illustrating the other meaning of as. (ISD 17a) (参见第2册第17课难点a)

7  For years he has been asking me to collect snails. (11. 12-13) Write two sentences using has been asking and has asked. (IKS 52) (参见第2册第52课关键句型)

8  I happened to be walking in my garden. (1. 14) Write sentences using the following: he happens, it happened that, happened. (SD 3a) (参见第3课难点a)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  In a country where snails are eaten, you would expect ______ .

a.to find a great many snails in people's gardens

b.to find that people cooked them in wine

c.snails to be so popular that they are a luxury only the rich can afford

d.people to be amazed by anyone who refused to eat them

2  The idea of collecting snails never appealed to the writer very much until ______ .

a.the sight of the snails made him think of Robert

b.a heavy shower of rain led him to look for them in his garden

c.a sudden impulse made him decide to visit the country where Robert lived

d.he felt obliged to remove them from his prize plants

3  When the writer arrived at Robert's flat ______ .

a.Robert welcomed him warmly because of the snails he had brought

b.Robert immediately invited him to dinner in order to eat the snails

c.he forgot about giving Robert the snails until two hours later

d.he gave Robert the snails, little thinking Robert would propose a dinner with snails as the main dish

Structure 结构

4  People are quite illogical when ______ deciding what … (11. 1-2)

a.it comes to

b.they come to

c.they come

d.coming to

5  Most of us have been brought up to eat certain kinds ______ . (1. 7)


b.of food

c.of the foods


6  No creature ______ abused more often than … (1. 9)

a.is being praised and

b.is praised nor

c.has been praised or

d.has been praised and

7  Having left the bag in the hall, ______ into the living room. (11. 16-17)

a.I accompanied Robert

b.Robert took me

c.we went

d.I and Robert went

8  We saw the snails ______ from the paper bag … (11. 19-20)



c.had escaped

d.to escape


9  On the other hand, you would ______ at the idea … (11. 5-6)

a.be sick



d.feel sick

10  Snails would, of course, be the main ______ . (11. 18-19)





11  ----I went into the living room where we talked for ______ . (1. 17)

a.round the clock

b.two hours or so

c.a second hour

d.some hours

12  There are ______ people, who … (11. 10-11)



