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Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear 五镑也太贵


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.www.xiao84.com

1  What happened as the great liner was entering the harbour?

2  Why was the writer impressed by the size of the diamonds?

3  What did the diamond seller do to prove that his diamonds were real?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: loaded with wares (1. 1); liner (1. 1); rugs (1. 4); bargaining (1. 6); went to great lengths (1. 11); impression (1. 12); to get rid of him (1. 13).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe the writer's experiences after he had got rid of the diamond seller. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write an imaginary account, mainly in dialogue form, of the scene that took place between the writer and the man who sold him the pen. Use the ideas given below.

Title: The bargain.

Introduction: Man approached with pens and watches ---- held them up ---- writer showed interest.

Development and Conclusion: Writer asked to see a pen ---- man handed him one ---- argument about the price ----gradually reduced to £10  ---- writer walked away ---- man followed ---- made it clear that he was being robbed but accepted £5. Writer pleased, but man disappeared quickly.

Letter writing书信写作

You have heard that a friend of yours wishes to sell his CD player. Write him a letter of about 100 words in three paragraphs. Express interest in the machine and ask him to tell you about its condition and how much he wants.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点

Exercises 练习

1  I had no sooner got off the ship than I… . (1. 9) Join these pairs of sentences with no sooner… than. (ISD 38a) (参见第2册第38课难点a)

I opened the door. The telephone began to ring.

He finished his speech. Everyone began to clap.

2  Some of them were as big as marbles. (1. 11) Write two sentences illustrating the use of as … as and not as … as. (IKS 32a) (参见第2册第32课关键句型a)

3  As we were walking past a shop … . (1. 12) Complete the following sentences: (IKS 7) (参见第2册第7课关键句型)While I was working in the garden …

I was just going into the shop when …

4  It took me over half an hour to get rid of him. (1. 13) Write two sentences using it takes and it has taken. (ISD 50c) (参见第2册第50课难点c)

5  ‘made in the U. S. A. ’. (1. 15) Write sentences using each of the following: made in, made by, made of and made from. (ISD 10a) (参见第2册第10课难点a)

6  to this day it has never written a word. (1. 22) Write two sentences using the phrases up till now and so far. (IKS 28) (参见第2册第28课关键句型)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  At what point did the tradesmen start trying to sell their merchandise?

a.Once it had been brought to them by the small boats.

b.While they were laying it out on the decks.

c.As soon as the liner had anchored in the harbour.

d.Once the tourists had arrived on board.

2  What happened once the writer got on shore?

a.A man who had followed him off the ship tried to sell him a diamond.

b.He was made to look at some diamonds against his will.

c.A man started pestering him to buy a diamond.

d.On his way to a shop, he met a man who was selling diamonds.

3  What made the writer finally buy the pen?

a.He had been unable to make the man understand he did not want it.

b.The man eventually agreed to his original offer.

c.He decided it was the only way to get rid of the man.

d.He was afraid the man might otherwise become violent.

Structure 结构

4  But I decided to disembark ______ anything. (11. 7-8)

a.before I would buy

b.until I was buying

c.until I had bought

d.before buying

5  I was assailed by a man who wanted ______ a diamond ring. (1. 9)

a.that I bought

b.for me to buy

c.me to buy

d.my buying

6  ---- of buying one, but the man ______ that I was impressed … (1. 10)

a.must have noticed

b.had to notice

c.must notice

d.could notice

7  The man said that although the pen was worth £50, as a special favour, ______ for £30. (11. 16-17)

a.he would let it to me

b.he could have let me have it

c.it would have been mine

d.he might give me

Vocabulary 词汇

8  It was difficult to ______ temptation. (11. 5-6)





9  ______ I was approached by a man who was selling … (1. 14)

a.The later

b.On the next time



10  ---- and held up five fingers indicating I ______ to pay five pounds. (1. 17)


b.was ready to



11  The man acted as if he found my offer ______ … (1. 18)





12  ______ hard I tried, it was impossible to fill the pen. (11. 21-22)




d.So ever