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Lesson 35 Justice was done 伸张正义


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer. www.xiao84.com

1  What is the word justice usually associated with?

2  Why can those who seek justice never be sure that they will find it?

3  When does justice seem to act like a living force?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: seek(1. 4); arduous (1. 4); eminent (1. 6); instances (1. 7); ceases (1. 7); independent of (1. 8); of its own accord (1. 10).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe how the thief came to be discovered up the chimney and how he was freed. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write an imaginary account of the thief's experiences up to the time he was freed by fire fighters. Expand the ideas given below into a plan and provide a suitable title. Your Composition should be in three or four paragraphs.

Ideas: Planning the theft ---- kept close watch on shop ---- noticed chimneys ---- one night climbed on to roof ---- chimney seemed wide ---- went down ---- stuck ---- climbed up again ---- went down another chimney ---- again got stuck ---- could neither climb up nor down ---- shouted for help ---- everything dark and silent ---- frightened ---- shouted next morning ---- freed by firefighters.

Letter writing书信写作

You recently quarrelled with a friend. Write him a letter of about 100 words in three paragraphs apologizing for the incident and suggesting that you should both meet soon.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点


1  We might say that justice has been done… (11. 1-2).

Complete the following sentences: (IKS 15) (参见第2册第15课关键句型)

He says that ______ .

He wants to know if ______ .

He believes that ______ .

2  when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt (11. 2-3). Write sentences using the following: The moment he has arrived…; Now that you have finished … (IKS 61c) (参见第2册61课关键句型c)

3  They chipped through a wall. It was eighteen inches thick. They found a man. He had been trapped in the chimney. (11. 17-18) Join these sentences together to make a single sentence. Compare your answer with the sentence in the passage. (IKS49) (参见第2册第49课关键句型)

4  they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney (1. 18). What is the plural of the following words: chimney, valley, baby, day, hobby, army, money, victory, turkey and storey. (SD 18) (参见第18课难点)

5  Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:

The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, ______ (admit) at once that he ______ (try) to break into the shop during the night but ______ (get) stuck in the chimney. He ______ (be) there for nearly ten hours. Justice ______ (do) even before the man was handed over to the police. (11. 20-22) (IKS 38) (参见第2册第38课关键句型)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1  In what circumstances may justice take effect outside the courts of law?

a.When a judge has proved neither eminent nor wise.

b.When it has not been possible to prove a man's guilt beyond any doubt.

c.When justice has been done without the interference of a human agent.

d.When, for example, a man is caught and handed over to the police.

2  Why did the manager ring up the fire brigade?

a.He thought that one of the chimneys was on fire.

b.He expected them to be of most help in the circumstances.

c.He had not realized there was a criminal on the premises.

d.He thought whoever was stuck might be a member of the fire brigade.

3  The fire fighters ascertained which chimney the man was in by ______ .

a.deciding which of the many cries came from the right chimney

b.listening for the man's response to their taps on the walls

c.chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick

d.cutting a huge hole in the wall


4  ______ wise or eminent, judges are human and can make mistakes. (11. 5-6)



c.How much

d.No matter how

5  In our use of a phrase like‘it serves him right’ ______ , in part, admitting… (11. 8-10)


b.it is

c.we are

d.and in

6  The staff must have found it impossible ______ to say‘it serves him right’. (11. 11-12)

a.they were not tempted

b.for them not to be tempted

c.to be tempted

d.not to be tempted

7  ______ several times, she ran to tell the manager. (1. 14)

a.Repeating the cry

b.While the cry was repeated

c.The cry being repeated

d.Having repeated the cry

8  ---- admitted that ______ to break into the shop during the night, he had got stuck in the chimney. (11. 20-21)

a.although he had tried

b.while he has tried

c.in trying

d.it was he who had tried


9  She ______ the cry several times, so she ran… (11. 14-15)


b.listened to

c.listened for


10  They located the chimney ______ by tapping…(11. 16-17)

a.on the right


c.right away


11  The blackened figure that emerged was ______ sight. (1. 20)

a.an ugly

b.a sorry

c.an apologetic

d.a poor

12  The sorry-looking blackened figure that ______ , admitted at once…(1. 20)

a.came to light

b.came up

c.went out

d.got out