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Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.xiao84.com

1  Why have we developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables?

2  How long was the journey from the writer's village to Westhaven supposed to take by express train?

3  How did the writer explain the fact that many local people boarded the train at the same time as he did?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: punctual (1. 1); unshakable faith (1. 2); delayed (1. 3); cancelled (1. 4); temporarily dislocate (1. 5); consulting (1. 9); a mere (1. 10).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words, write an account of the writer's experiences from the moment he boarded the train. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words describe a journey by train. Though you wished to take a slow train, you accidentally got on a fast one. Expand the ideas given below into a plan and provide a suitable title. Your Composition should not be more than four paragraphs.

Ideas: Got on train ---- expected it to stop ---- prepared to alight ---- it went straight on ---- very fast ---- you asked passengers ---- learnt it was an express ---- ticket collector came along ---- you explained situation ---- had to pay full fare---- journey lasted two hours ---- arrived miles away from destination ---- no fast train back ---- had to board a slow one!

Letter writing书信写作

A young couple you know have just had their first child: a baby girl. Write a letter of about 100 words in three paragraphs congratulating them. Inquire about the health of mother and child and say that you hope to be able to visit them soon.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点


1  It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities. (11. 6-7) Note this pattern. Join the following sentences using the words in parentheses: (ISD 85) (参见第2册第85课难点)

The wall is high. I cannot climb it. (too)

The wall is low. I can climb it. (enough)

2  I could not help noticing. (1. 11) Complete the following sentences. (IKS 68) (参见第2册第68课关键句型)

I can't stand ______ .

I don't mind ______ .

3  Neither was I surprised… (1. 13). Write sentences beginning with the following words: Never…; Hardly…; Little… (SD5) (参见第5课难点)

4  seventeen minutes passed (11. 16-17). Write two sentences illustrating the difference between passed and past. (ISD33a) (参见第2册第33课难点a)

5  he denied the train's existence (1. 19). Write two sentences illustrating the difference between refuse and deny. (ISD29a) (参见第2册第29课难点a)

6  I borrowed his copy of the timetable. (11. 19-20) Write two sentences illustrating the difference between borrow and lend. (ISD 11c) (参见第2册第11课难点c)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1  When the writer consulted his railway timetable ______ .

a.he wanted to find out how long the express train to Westhaven took

b.he wanted to know the quickest way of getting to Westhaven by rail

c.he did not notice how many stations there were on the way to Westhaven

d.he misread the information concerning the time the journey took

2  At what point did the writer realize that the train was not travelling at the speed of an express train?

a.When the train had reached the station after Widley.

b.When the train had been held up by signals.

c.After the train had stopped at several small stations.

d.After the train had covered a distance of thirty miles.

3  When the writer went to the station master, he complained about ______ .

a.the train scheduled as an express train having in fact been a slow one

b.the lack of colour in the timetable

c.the lack of any express trains from his local station to Westhaven

d.the fact that the Westhaven express had been suspended from service


4  We have learnt to expect ______ punctual. (1. 1)

a.trains being

b.trains to be

c.of trains being

d.trains are going to be

5  ______ exceptionally heavily might railway services be temporarily dislocated. (11. 5-6)

a.If only it snowed

b.Only in case it snows

c.Only were it to snow

d.Only when snow

6  The express train went direct from my local station to Westhaven ______ a mere hour and seventeen minutes. (1. 10)



c.a journey which lasted

d.a journey of

7  One hour and seventeen minutes passed ______ still to cover half the distance. (11. 16-17)

a.before we had

b.before having

c.when we had

d.and we had

8  When he denied the train's existence, I asked if I ______ borrow his copy. (11. 19-20)




d.was able to


9  Even a mighty express train can be ______ by signals. (1. 14)



c.slowed up


10  I determined to lodge a complaint ______ on arrival. (1. 18)





11  ______ , I told him that it was there in black and white. (11. 20-21)

a.Noting my triumph

b.Sounding triumphant

c.On a triumphant note

d.In my triumphant voice

12  Glancing at it briefly, he told me I should ______ . (1. 21)

a.take another look

b.review it

c.overlook it

d.have second sight