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Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心

Comprehension 理解

Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.巴士英语www.xiao84.com

1  Why did the passengers try to get Bruce to drive back to the village they had come from?

2  Why was Bruce not perturbed by the bad state of the road?

3  Why did the passengers keep looking back as Bruce swerved to avoid boulders?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: boulders (1. 3); perturbed (1. 4); underestimated (1. 6); bumped (1. 9); swerved (1. 9); hammered (1. 10); ominously (1. 10).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what happened from the time when the car got past the boulders to the moment it stopped in the shallow pool. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write a continuation to the passage. Expand the ideas given below into a plan and provide a suitable title. Your Composition should be in four paragraphs.

Ideas: Got out ---- tried to push car ---- impossible ---- walked to next village ---- tried to get a taxi ---- no driver would takeus over rough road ---- paid a large sum of money to rent a jeep ---- pulled car out of water ---- found engine badly damaged ---- Bruce undismayed.

Letter writing书信写作

You are on holiday and are running out of money. Write an urgent letter to your father in about 100 words in three paragraphs, asking him to help you out of your difficulties.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点


1  we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village (11. 1-2). Write these sentences again using got in place of made. (ISD66) (参见第2册第66课难点)

I made him tell me the truth.

He made me translate the article into English.

2  he believed that a car should be driven (1. 7). Write two sentences beginning: He suggested that…; He insisted that… (IKS 63) (参见第2册第63课关键句型)

3  wondering if we were leaving (1. 11). Complete the following sentences: (IKS 63d) (参见第2册第63课关键句型练习d)

Can he wait a few minutes longer? I wonder if ______ .

When will he arrive? I wonder when ______ .

4  What a relief it was… (1. 13). Write these sentences again beginning each one with What: (ISD 2) (参见第2册第2课难点)

This is a wonderful garden!

It is a terrible day!

5  we all got out (1. 15). Write sentences using the following: get on; get over; and get through. (ISD 74a) (参见第2册第74课难点a)

6  Bruce… told us (1. 19). Write two sentences illustrating the difference between say and tell. (IKS 15) (参见第2册第15课关键句型)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1  Why were the passengers so relieved when the boulders disappeared?

a.Bruce could now drive even faster.

b.They had covered the greater part of the distance to the village.

c.It seemed less likely that they would meet with disaster.

d.They had seen the huge fissure that lay ahead of them.

2  When they reached the fissure, Bruce stopped the car because ______ .

a.the passengers had begged him to do so

b.he wanted to know the exact dimensions of the fissure

c.he thought it was safer to drive across it without the passengers

d.he was not sure whether the car was wide enough to bridge it

3  Bruce's reaction to the final episode shows that ______ .

a.he was not the sort of person to be perturbed by anything

b.he was extremely brave in face of danger

c.he had underestimated the depth of the pool

d.when it came to crossing water, his driving was not good enough


4  He believed ______ a car as fast as it could possibly go. (11. 7-8)

a.driving in

b.he would drive

c.to drive

d.in driving

5  ______ when the boulders suddenly disappeared. (1. 13)

a.How relieved we felt

b.What a relief we were feeling

c.So relieved we felt

d.How we felt relieved

6  Bruce ______ when the car came to a grinding halt. (1. 21)

a.had charged through it midway

b.charged through it to the middle

c.charged midway through it

d.was in the middle of charging through it

7  Bruce cheerfully announced that the engine ______ out of oil. (1. 22)


b.had run

c.was running

d.has run


8  Glancing at his map, he informed us that the next village was ______ twenty miles away. (11. 4-5)




d.in significantly

9  ---- where nothing could ______ but clumps of trees. (11. 13-14)

a.hinder our progress

b.spoil our course

c.hold up our train

d.harm our way

10  When we pleaded ______ , Bruce stopped. (1. 15)





11  He said: ‘It's fifteen miles ______ the village. ’ (11. 19-20)





12  ---- obstacle was a shallow pool of water half a mile ______ . (11. 20-21)

a.side by side

b.from top to bottom

c.from side to side

d.up and down