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Lesson 40 Who's who 真假难辨


Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.xiao84.com

1  What sort of practical joke do students specialize in?

2  What did the student tell the police?

3  What did the student tell the workmen?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: a particular type (11. 2-3); put out (1. 4); deception (1. 4); victims (1. 6); hung up (1. 9); silly (1. 11); grateful (1. 12).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what happened after the student hid in an archway. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


Imagine that the policeman who accompanied the workman to the pay phone did not realize that they had all been victims of a practical joke. In not more than 250 words, describe what happened. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than four paragraphs.

Title: Arrest the police!

Introduction: Policeman and worker returned ---- the other workman still quarrelling with police ---- resisting arrest. Development: More police arrived ---- workmen told them that the first lot of policemen were students ----the second lot of police threatened to arrest the first lot ---- asked for identity cards ---- the first lot said that the workmen were students ---- workers had to prove their identity.

Conclusion: Realized they were victims of a hoax.

Letter writing书信写作

A friend has written to you offering you a place in his car on a long trip he intends to make, providing that you are willing to share expenses. In not more than 100 words, write a letter accepting his offer. Do not writemore than three paragraphs.

Key structuresandSpecial difficulties关键句型和难点


1  to put out a nonexistent, fire (1. 4). Write sentences using the following: (ISD 27) (参见第2册第27课难点)put up, put someone up, put up with and put off.

2  funny to everyone except the victims (1. 6). Write three sentences illustrating the use of the following: (ISD 14b) (参见第2册第14课难点b) except, except for and apart from.

3  dressed up (1. 11). Write two sentences illustrating the difference between dress and dress up. (ISD 65c) (参见第2册第65课难点c)

4  he could watch (1. 13). Write two sentences illustrating the difference between watch and follow. (ISD 36c) (参见第2册第36课难点c)

5  one of them lost his temper (1. 18). Write sentences using the following: in a good temper, in a good mood, in a bad temper and in the mood. (ISD 83) (参见第2册第83课难点)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1  A good hoax is a joke which depends on ______ .

a.deceiving people into behaving in a way which amuses everyone but themselves

b.doing something like calling the fire brigade to a nonexistent fire

c.at least two parties being led to believe the other is fraudulent

d.people disguising themselves to look like other people

2  When the policeman first arrived outside the university ______ .

a.the student hid in an archway to see what happened next

b.he told the workmen if they disobeyed him he would call four policemen

c.the workmen refused to take his request that they should move seriously

d.he was polite to the workmen as he had expected them to be students

3  When did it become clear to the police that the workmen were not students?

a.When one of the workmen angrily said he was going to call the police.

b.Not until one of the workmen asked if he could telephone the police.

c.When the policeman saw whom the workman was ringing from the pay phone.

d.Only after they had arrested the workmen and taken them to the station.


4  -----why students seem ______ practical jokes than anyone else. (11. 1-2)

a.entertained by more

b.to have been entertained more by

c.more to be entertained by

d.to be more entertained by

5---- and told them that ______ order them to go away they were not to take them seriously. (11. 10-11)

a.should the police

b.the police might

c.if the policeman did(d)was a policeman to

6  ---- were grateful to the student for ______ in advance. (1. 12)

a.they had been informed this

b.having informed them this

c.being informed of this

d.informing them of this

7  The workmen told him to do ______ …(11. 15-16)

a.as it pleased him

b.how he pleased

c.as he pleased

d.that pleased him

8  Only then ______ that it had been a trick. (11. 22-23)

a.he realized

b.he understood

c.did he realize

d.he did realize


9  ---- a student had dressed up as a policeman and was amusing himself ______ . (11. 11-12)

a.by joking with people

b.at other people's expense

c.by making fun of people

d.to other people's surprise

10  When he received a very ______ from one of the workmen . . . (11. 14-15)

a.impolite retort

b.harsh response

c.rough report

d.sharp return

11  Four more policemen arrived to protest ______ the workmen's behaviour. (11. 16-17)





12  The police attempted to ______ the pneumatic drill. (11. 17-18)

a.get hold of

b.keep hold of

c.hold back

d.hold on to