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Lesson 60 Too early and too late 太早和太晚


Give short answers to each of the following questions, in your own words as far as possible, using only material contained in the passage. Use one complete sentence for each answer.巴士英语www.xiao84.com

1  What are the dangers of leaving the bare minimum of time for appointments?

2  Why did the author's family ask some guests to come half an hour later than others invited for the same day?

3  Why, according to the author, is it better to choose to wait on the platform before the train arrives than to be forced to wait after it has gone?


Choose five of the following words and phrases and give for each another word or phrase of similar meaning to that in which the word or phrase is used in the passage: a state of chaos(1.3); sparsely-populated(1.3); disregard(1.4); reproached(1.8); setting out(1.10); diversions (1.10); industrious(1.11); destination(1.33).

Summary writing摘要写作

Give an account in not more than 80 words of the girl's experience on the railway station, when she was not allowed to get on the train. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph. Use your own words as far as possible.

Compostition 作文

Write a composition on one of the following subjects; the length should be between 250 and 350words.

a  Write a short story beginning ‘A piece of paper was blowing in the wind…’

b  What science has done to make our lives easier and more comfortable.

Letter writing书信写作

Write a letter of between 80 and 100 words in length on one of the following subjects. You should make the beginning and ending like those of an ordinary letter, but the address is not to be counted in the total number of words.

a  Write a letter informing your employer (or the Principal of your school)that you have to be absent for a few days and explaining why this is necessary.

b  A friend with several young children has fallen ill. Write offering help or suggesting a way in which help can be obtained.

Key structures and Special difficulties关键句型和难点

Rewrite the following sentence without without changing the meaning. Then refer to 11.27-28.

‘May I see the timetable, please?’the girl asked.

The girl asked…

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions:


1  The only people who can afford to neglect the exercise of punctuality are ______ .

a.ordinary citizens who have nothing to do with publicity

b.people who live in remote places where there are few people

c.intellectuals who have to deal with unexpected problems

d.people who are forced to work overtime in order to finish a job

2  People who cut things fine are usually ______ .

a.delayed by accidents on the roads

b.energetic, quick-minded people

c.no more irritating than the over-punctual

d.reproached for being late for appointments

3  The girl was very upset when the train came into the station because ______ .

a.her parents would not forgive her for missing it

b.she had two hours to wait before the next train arrived

c.she was going to have to make a second journey to reach her destination

d.the station master insisted that passengers were not allowed on to it


4  Without it, it would be impossible ______ to a conclusion. (1. 2)

a.to have ever brought anything

b.ever to bring anything

c.to bring nothing ever

d.nothing to be brought ever

5  The time you ______ waste through being early will be less than … (1. 17)





6  If you are catching a train, you ______ comfortably early than … (11. 16-17)

a.are better being

b.would be better

c.had better be

d.will be better to be

7  ---- the frustration of arriving ______ the train is drawing out … (11. 18-19)

a.just as

b.immediately that

c.in a while

d.as soon as

8  And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination ______ . (1. 33)

a.and left her behind

b.and leave behind her

c.leaving her behind

d.while it left behind her


9  In ordinary living, unpunctuality can be tolerated ______ …(11. 4-5)

a.out of kindness

b.on occasion

c.to a certain extent

d.in varying degrees

10  The over-punctual can be just as ______ to others as the unpunctual. (1. 12)





11  ---- since her parents had ______ that it would be unforgivable … (11. 22-23)

a.stressed the point

b.given the impression

c.marked it down

d.given notice

12  ______ the train came into the station. (1. 31)

a.Only then


c.At that very moment
