Lesson 130 He can't have been...他那时不可能...

2020-05-27 by 巴士英语 【字体:   手机访问


Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Written exercises 书面练习

A Complete these sentences using had to or must have been.完成以下句子,用had to或must have been填空。


He is very tired because he had to get up early this morning.
He didn't get up early this morning. He must have been tired.

1 He didn't come to work yesterday. He ______ ill.
2 He didn't come to the office this morning. He ______ stay at home.3 I don't think she was Austrian. She ______German.
4 I lost my pen so I ______ buy a new one.
5 He forgot his case so he ______ return home.
6 She didn't hear the phone. She ______ sleeping.

B Write new sentences.



I think she was Danish. (Swedish)
I don't think she was. She can't have been Danish.

She must have been Swedish.

1 I think they were Canadian. (Australian)
2 I think she was Finnish. (Russian)
3 I think they were Japanese. (Chinese)
4 I think they were butchers. (bakers)
5 I think she was a dentist. (doctor)
6 I think he was a sales rep. (the boss)
7 I think she was seventeen. (twenty-one)
8 I think they were five. (seven)
9 I think he was seventy-six. (over eighty)
10 I think she was fifty-five. (under fifty)
11 I think it was the 17th yesterday. (16th)
12 I think it was Tuesday yesterday. (Wednesday)
13 I think it was the 19th yesterday. (20th)
14 I think it was cheap. (expensive)
15 I think it was easy. (difficult)
16 I think she was old. (young)
17 I think he was ill. (tired)
18 I think they were listening to the radio. (watching television)
19 I think she was retiring. (looking for a new job)
20 I think they were sitting. (standing)




