Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻

2020-05-31 by 巴士英语 【字体:   手机访问


First listen and then answer the question.
Why doesn't Aunt Jennifer tell anyone how old she is?



My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, ‘Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!’

New words and expressions 生词和短语

appear(1. 2)/ə'piə/v. 登场,扮演
stocking(1. 5)/'stokiŋ/n. (女用)长筒袜
stage(1. 2)/'steidʒ/ n. 舞台
sock(1. 6)/sok/ n. 短袜
bright(1. 4)/'brait/adj. 鲜艳的

Notes on the text 课文注释

1  She must be at least thirty-five years old. 她至少也有35岁了。
must be, 一定是,表示对现在情况的一种推测,带有一定的肯定程度。at least,至少。
2  in spite of, 尽管。
3  in a bright red dress, 穿一身鲜红色的裙子。介词in表示“穿着”。
4  orange-coloured, 橘红色的。
5  grown up, 成熟的,成人的。







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