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Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise 噪音的非听觉效应

Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise 噪音的非听觉效应

时间:2015-01-21 06:52点击:


Answer these questions:

1 What does the author mean by the statement‘Noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science.’?(11.4-5)

2 Why is a modern navy a good place to study noise?


Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using hazard(1.23).


A Drawing your information from the first two paragraphs(lines 1-13), write a list of points in note form outlining the author's argument about noise abatement.

B Using this list of points, reconstruct the author's argument in not more than 90 words. Your answer should be in one paragraph.


Write a composition of about 300 words on the following subject: Noise in modern life.

You may use some or all of the ideas given below if you wish:

1 We have grown accustomed to living and working against a background of noise: traffic in the streets; machines in the factory; office equipment; labour-saving devices in the home; aeroplanes overhead.

2 In a modern industrial society, hardly any place is free from noise; in cities, the problem is acute. 3 Many people learn to live against this background and do not seem to be affected.

4 Some people even seem to require noise as a necessary condition in which to work: e.g. music as a constant background.

5 We seem to be helpless to do anything about noise and have come to accept it as one of the more unpleasant features of modern civilization.

Key structures关键句型

A Study this sentence:

Many people in industry and the Services,  who have practical experience of noise, regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time.(11.1-2)

Expand the following sentences by inserting suitable clauses beginning with who or which after the words in italics:

1 Many roads ______ were not built for such heavy traffic.

2 The heavy snow ______ has now begun to melt.

3 The party of tourists ______ left this morning.

4 The clerk ______ apologized for the mistake.

B Compare these two sentences:

Instead of saying: One allegation that is often made is that noise produces mental illness.

We can say: One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness. (1.6)

Write sentences using the following phrases:

frequently seen; sometimes heard; generally considered.

C Note the use of yet in these sentences:

1 Has he come yet?

2 I haven't seen him yet.

3 She was yet another victim. (1.8)

Write three sentences using yet in the ways shown above.

D Compare these two sentences:

Instead of saying: When one turns eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist.

We can say: On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist. (11.8-9)

Write these sentences again so that each one begins with On:

1 When I opened the door, I got a surprise.

2 When he saw me approaching, he ran towards me.

3 When he was asked to leave the meeting, he got very angry.

4 When she arrived at the station, she bought a ticket.

E Write sentences using the following expressions:

reduced to (1.8); cause of (1.11); complaints about (1.11); cautious about (1.13); share with (1.18); effects upon (1.21); methods of (1.21).

Special difficulties难点

A Study the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference.

1 regard (1.1)----look at

I don't regard a degree as a meal ticket for life .

Just look at those children picking apples.

2 affect (1.2)----effect (1.27)

This hay fever is seriously affecting my work.

This hay fever is having a serious effect on my work.

3 plea (1.4)----please

The accused man entered a plea of Not Guilty. I only got married to please my parents.

4 objective (1.19)----objection

I need an objective opinion from someone who is not involved. (adjective)

The objective of this meeting is to decide who will represent us on the Planning Committee. (noun)

If no one has any objection, I'll declare the meeting closed.

5 confirm (1.20)----assure

I can confirm that the door was located. (= say it is true)

I went back to assure myself that I really had locked the door. (= make myself confident)

B The opposites of these words are to be found in the passage. What are they? like; adequate; credit; pleasant.

C Explain the meaning of the verbs and expressions in italics:

1 It does mean that noise is less dangerous than, say, being brought up in an orphanage----which really is a mental health hazard. (11.22-23)

2 The question was recently brought up in Parliament.

3 The boxer was knocked out in the first round. It took a long time to bring him round.

4 The whole scene brought back the days of my childhood.

5 Their wonderful performance brought down the house.

6 Can you bring to mind what happened on the fourth of July?

7 Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a man's best qualities.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1 The reduction of noise is a good cause and it's important to ______ .

a.understand that noise affects people

b.understand the people who dislike noise

c.make sure we have a quieter society

d.prevent it from getting a bad name

2 Stories like the one about the typist ______ .

a.help us to understand the effects of noise

b.do not help us to understand the effects of noise

c.show how noise can produce mental illness

d.cause considerable distress

3 Project Anehin provided an opportunity to ______ .

a.study the effects of noise on a large number of people

b.consider what life is like on aircraft carriers

c.conclude that noise has bad effects on people

d.explore the workings of the United States Navy

4 Project Anehin proved that noise ______ .

a.has no ill effects at all

b.is less dangerous than being brought up in an orphanage

c.is really bad for the health

d.doesn't appear to have any bad effects


5 ______ you turned eagerly to the text…(1.8)





6 Eventually, she ______ go into a mental hospital.(1.10)

a.will go

b.should go

c.was obliged to

d.made to

7 What is needed is a study of large numbers to discover ______ they are ill.(11.14-15)



c.in case


8 Noise is ______ dangerous ______ being brought up in an orphanage.(11.22-23)


b.not so…than

c.not so…as

d.no as…as


9 It is ______ that noise abatement could be discredited.(11.4-5)





10 ______ she had to go into a mental hospital.(1.10)

a.At least

b.In the end

c.At the finish

d.In fact

11 Now the ______ in this sort of anecdote is…(1.10)





12 This result merely ______ earlier American and British studies.(1.20)



